Leeds Service Information Pack
Specialist Autism Services
We offer a range of services which are all Autism specific and aim to meet the needs of adults on the Autism Spectrum in order to increase confidence, self-esteem, independence and social inclusion through the development of essential social skills, thereby promoting the positive health and wellbeing of this client group.

Below you will find information on the services we provide, useful links, and the steps you need to take to join our service (the referral process).
Useful Links
Our Services
Below you will find information on some of the services we offer at our Leeds Site. You can find more information about these services throughout our website.
Social Skills Workshops
The aim of our workshops is to develop social skills through enjoyable activities based on topics the members have chosen. We work with our members to develop their ability to manage emotions, to initiate and maintain conversation with others, and to develop confidence.
Through being around others, individuals’ social tolerance (tolerance of others and their differences) is also developed; a skill which is key to future development in areas such as employment. Click on the link above to see our workshop timetable.

Employment Support
Our employment department has a variety of workshops and courses. These workshops can help with skills in the workplace, CV writing, interview role-plays, and helping with mental well-being. For more information, please email the employment team:, or give them a call: 01274 026 556
Our counselling service is available in Leeds on Monday and Friday, with our counsellor, Carol. Counselling is £55 and can be self-funded or funded through the Clinical Commissioning Groups via a visit to the GP. Unfortunately, there is currently an 8-10 month waiting list for this part of our service in person. The wait-list should be shorter if delivered over Zoom. Click on the Referral Forms link above to download a form.

Next Steps
If you think that our Leeds service sounds like something you or your client may be interested in, please contact us to do an initial visit to service where we can discuss your needs and book a trial session in one of the workshops.
If you currently do not have a social worker or a direct payment, click the button to read guidance on how to obtain funding to attend our Leeds service.
Contact Us
If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact us using the details below, we look forward to hearing from you.
Lucy, Peter, or Lauren
- 01132 775 656
- Great Northern House, Junction 7 Business Park, Stourton, Leeds, LS10 3DQ