Useful websites

Helpful resources related to autism

I need help now

A mental health page with crisis numbers for those who live in Leeds - Mindwell

Leeds Mental Wellbeing Service

"During Covid-19, Leeds Mental Wellbeing Service (LMWS) is continuing to provide support and psychological therapies for common mental health problems, such as anxiety and depression, for adults in Leeds."

The National Autistic Society

Aiming to increase understanding and awareness of autism and ensure people with autism live the lives they choose.

Talk about Autism

An online community and forum for people interested in autism to share experiences, get support and discuss autism. It is a popular site used by family members, professionals, and people with autism.

Autism Education Trust

This organisation works towards ensuring children, young people and adults with autism receive the education they need to enable them to reach their individual potential.

The Autism Research Centre

Based at the University of Cambridge, it is a hub for scientists working on autism. It also works closely with clinical and voluntary sector services. Visit the site for the latest research and publications on autism.

Research Autism

The only UK charity that is exclusively dedicated to research into interventions in autism. An intervention is a treatment, therapy or service designed to improve the quality of life of someone with autism.


Helps to fund pioneering medical research on autism, helping to improve diagnosis, and develop new treatments and interventions. Visit the site for a broad range of autism research topics, and information.

NHS Autism

Includes information on diagnosis for children and adults, transitions, autism related support and real life stories.

Autism Links

Dedicated to making those helpful and sometimes vital links, it covers who to talk to, where to go and contains lots of helpful advice all in one place.


The British Institute of Learning Disabilities. They want people with learning disabilities to be valued equally, participate fully in their communities and be treated with dignity and respect. They have lots of information relating to autism on their website.

Autism Women's Network

Dedicated to building a supportive community for autistic women of all ages, families, friends and allies. AWN provides a safe space to share experiences in an understanding, diverse and inclusive environment.

The Autism Directory

This organisation works towards ensuring children, young people and adults with autism receive the education they need to enable them to reach their individual potential.

National Autism Center

Being armed with information about autism spectrum condition (ASC) helps families feel more comfortable as they face new challenges.

Teaching Tips

A comprehensive list of tips for teaching individuals with autism (both adults and children) by Temple Grandin, a renowned individual on the spectrum.

Mindwell Mental Health Portal (Leeds)

MindWell is the single go-to place for information about mental health in Leeds. It provides a portal for anyone living or working in Leeds, including GPs and other professionals, to get quick, easy and direct access to up-to-date mental health information.

Rally Round Me

A free service for Bradford residents. You can create a list of support needs and job lists. You then have a network of people you have chosen, who you can tick off what they can help with and tick when the job is complete. This is communicated to the whole group so everyone can help in anyway they can. This is a great way for a support network to communicate and work together to support somebody that requires it.

Middletown Centre For Autism Teenage Resources

This resource has been designed to support teenagers with autism, their parents, and professionals working with them. This provides resources and ideas, which may be suitable for supporting a teenager with autism across a variety of environments and situations. All content in this resource is based on the centres transdisciplinary model, which is informed by the centres practise.

Leeds SEND

The information Advice Support Service will work with parents/carers, children and young people to ensure that they are fully involved in the planning of SEN support for their individual needs in early years settings, schools and colleges.

Sleep and Autism

This resource provides in-depth information on sleeping disorders and ASD - "Sleep-related issues are frustrating and can be problematic for almost anyone who suffers from them. However, they are particularly troublesome for individuals diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD)".

Autism Parenting Magazine

A magazine for parents of children with autism, and professionals seeking to work with children who have ASD. "The magazine features articles from hundreds of contributors including respected professionals, autism experts, parents of children on the spectrum and adults with autism".

Essential Oils for Autism and ADHD

This article written by the Autism Parenting Magazine provides a comprehensive guide on essential oils, their benefits for individuals with ASD and how to effectively use them. There is also a fantastic infographic describing the top 10 essential oils for autism.

How to Create a Backyard Sanctuary for Kids with Disabilities

A fantastic article written by Home Adviser which provides guidance on creating a specialised outdoor area, particularly for those individuals with an ASD. The article is packed with information regarding sensory needs and adjustments. Although the article is aimed at children, there is lots of information suitable for all.

Supporting students with autism in the classroom

An in-depth guide on how to support individuals with autism in a classroom setting. The article includes ASC specific information, effective strategies you can incorporate into teaching, and links to other useful pages.

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Please note: We do not endorse any information included within the websites above and are not responsible for the content shown within these websites. These websites are what we deemed beneficial on the time of posting. Please contact us below for further guidance or information.